Way to Go Wildcats Cross Country Teams!
On November 5th, the Lexington High School Cross Country teams came oh so close to a sweep in the 4A division of the South Carolina State Cross Country Championships.
Congratulations to the boys team for their 3rd consecutive championship. With an impressive total of only 34 points, they finished head of 2nd place Stratford (76 points) and Wando (141 points).
Roland Hakes of Dutch Fork finished first indivdually, with a time of 15:10! Wow!
The Lexington Girls team scored 95 points but finished 2nd to Wando High’s 68 points.
Here is a link to more coverage at SCRunners.com: http://sc.milesplit.com/meets/95878 and The State newspaper: http://www.thestate.com/2011/11/05/2036348/lexington-cross-country-boys-win.html#storylink=addthis
They Wildcat boys were also recently ranked 5th in the nation: http://www.xcnation.com/championshiprankings#!__championshiprankings/page-3
Congratulations, Wildcats! It has been a pleasure watching you this year. I’m already looking forward to 2012!