Week 13: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Oct 21, 2013 by

Week 13: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Here is my report for week thirteen of sixteen of my Outer Banks 2013 marathon training. I am following the 3:25:00 Boston Qualifier plan outlined in the book Run Less Run Faster.

To review past weeks, click here.

Short version: Very good week. I hit all targets (4 weeks in a row!), including the last and toughest twenty miler of the training.

For the long version, keep reading.

Cross Training. Wednesday and Thursday

Successfully completed the two prescribed swim workouts: 4 kick laps, 20 minutes non-stop freestyle, 4 kick laps.

Grade: Pass

Run workout #1. Sunday

Looking ahead at the week’s family schedule, I decided to knock out the track workout on Sunday again.  This week’s workout was 10 x 400m at 1:32 with 400m rest intervals.


  • 400m #1: 1:30
  • 400m #2: 1:31
  • 400m #3: 1:28
  • 400m #4: 1:26
  • 400m #5: 1:28
  • 400m #6: 1:29
  • 400m #7: 1:26
  • 400m #8: 1:28
  • 400m #9: 1:26
  • 400m #10: 1:22

Grade: A+. Very solid workout. Probably pushed a little too hard on the last one.  Might explain my sore foot this week.

Run workout #2. Tuesday

This week’s tempo run called for eight miles at a 7:49 pace, two miles shorter than last week’s ten miler but the same pace.

Result: Really solid run.  Felt easy.  Pulled off negative split and finished in 1:01:30

Grade: A. That’s a 7:39 pace overall.

Run Workout #3. Friday

This week’s long run called for twenty miles at an 8:04 pace. That’s five miles farther than last week’s 8:04 target run, which I ran at 8:01.

I viewed this run as the final dress rehearsal before show time.  This meant I followed the nutrition and fueling plan I will be using for the race and day before.

When I walked outside Friday morning, I can’t say that I was very confident.  The temperature was 70 degrees and the humidity was close to 100%.  If you’ve read these posts,  you know I’ll whine about the weather’s affect on me.  I have learned that I struggle on 70+ degree days with high humidity.  So, I knew this was going to be a long morning and probably hurt.

I intentionally dialed it back a bit on the first half, so I could have a good shot at the usual negative split goal. The weather also helped with that.  A few times I felt like I’d sped up only to see 8:15 or 8:22 pop up on my watch for the split time.  At mile ten, I was in a decent spot, though, with an 8:06 pace.

For miles eleven through seventeen, I hovered around the 8:04 mark average, and managed to bring my overall pace down to 8:05.  When my watch beeped after mile eighteen, I felt for sure I was still doing OK, but the mile split read 8:16 and my pace was still 8:05.  So, now I faced a decision.  I could pack it in and not get my fourth straight week of green and end the twenty milers two for five.  Or I could dig deep and give the effort that will probably be required at the end of the marathon to meet my goal.  I decided to dig.

I did my best to ignore the pain.  At mile nineteen, my watch beeped.  7:48.  I pressed the button to see my overall pace.  8:04.  One mile to go,though. Got to beat 8:04 to keep the average, I thought.  I kept pressing.  Lots of pain now.  Time seemed to be standing still.  My watch finally beeped.  7:59.  I quickly hit stop and then pressed the button to see the overall pace.  8:04.  Whew.

Grade: A. 20.06 miles in 2:41:48.  My fastest twenty miles ever.

Week Thirteen Summary

Very happy with the week.   Meeting the twenty miler target was big confidence booster.

Here’s a graphic showing hit or miss on the workouts throughout the training. For the tempo and long runs, I included mileage and pace targets (not including the easy warm up and cool down miles for the tempo runs). The actual pace result is in parentheses:

Scorecard Through Week 13

Scorecard Through Week 13

Up Next

Here’s what is in store for week fourteen.  The taper begins!  The workouts are still tough, but mileage is reduced to under twenty-five miles this week, instead of the thirty mile ballpark.

Run #1: Track work. 8 x 800m in 3:08. 90 second RI between each.  Yuck.
Run #2: 1 mile easy warm up, 5 miles @ 7:19/mile, 1 mile easy cool down.
Run #3: 13 miles @ 7:49/mile.

Cross Training: Swim – 3 x (1 length fast, 1 length slow; 2 lengths fast, 2 lengths slow;  3 lengths fast, 3 lengths slow; 2 lengths fast, 2 lengths slow; 1 length fast, 1 length slow) with 1 minute rest interval between sets.


Stay tuned and POFIFOTO!

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Week 12: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Oct 14, 2013 by

Week 12: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Here is my report for week twelve of sixteen of my Outer Banks 2013 marathon training. I am following the 3:25:00 Boston Qualifier plan outlined in the book Run Less Run Faster.

To review past weeks, click here.

Short version: Excellent week. I hit all targets, meaning I’ve hit all targets for three weeks in a row, the first time I’ve done this.

For the long version, keep reading.

Cross Training. Wednesday and Thursday

Successfully completed the two prescribed swim workouts: twenty kick laps with 15 seconds rest in between, followed by twenty freestyle laps non-stop.

Grade: Pass

Run workout #1. Sunday

The track and a twist.  This week’s track workout called for 3 x 1600m in 6:31.  Decided to do this on Sunday because we had a cross country family relay event Sunday afternoon, which put me on the high school grounds anyway.  I road my bicycle to the school to make sure I warmed up well.  Wasn’t too hard as the temperature was around 88 degrees! I thought summer had left the building.

I then proceeded to run my leg of the relay race (mile 2 of the 5K course) in 6:03.  Not bad for an old guy.  My nine year old daughter did the first mile around 8:15, and my son did the anchor leg 1.1 miles in something like 5:50.  We just missed breaking 20:00 by a few seconds.

Now came the hard part.  Doing my track workout in the heat.


  • 1600m #1: 6:25
  • 1600m #2: 6:22
  • 1600m #3: 6:27

Grade: A+. Very solid workout.  I’m sure an all out mile “warm up” wasn’t the smartest, but I pulled it off.

Run workout #2. Tuesday

This week’s tempo run called for ten miles at a 7:49 pace, the second and last of this distance tempo run in the program.

Result: Came home to 55 degrees and drizzling.  This was over a 30 degree temperature difference from the track session two days earlier.  It felt great.  My main goal was a negative split, and over the first five miles I averaged 7:47.  By this time, I was feeling really good and decided to see what I could do.  I then stepped down the final five miles in 7:42, 7:35, 7;22, 7:00 and finally 6:42 in the last mile.  Finishing in 1:15:28.

Grade: A+. That’s a 7:15 pace for last five miles and a 7:31 pace overall. It was also a negative split.  Maybe I pushed it too much on the second half, but I felt really good.

Run Workout #3. Friday

This week’s long run called for fifteen miles at an 8:04 pace.   I was a little worried that my extra fast effort Tuesday night might hurt this run.  I was hoping for similar weather.

Well, the weather was OK at 65 degrees but about 10 degrees warmer than I wanted. Would have been a great morning to run have leisurely long run at a 10:00/mile pace, but I had to do better.

I intentionally dialed it back a bit on the first half, so I could have a good shot at the usual negative split goal.  I know I mention this a lot, but I think it will be one of the keys to success on November 10th.

Grade: A. Did the first half in an 8:05 pace.  Did the second half at a 7:57 pace, coming in at 2:00:40, an 8:01 pace.  Missions accomplished.

Week Twelve Summary

Very happy with the week.  Was able to meet all targets despite possible a couple of not so smart moves – the relay race and the extra fast tempo run.

Here’s a graphic showing hit or miss on the workouts over the past ten weeks. For the tempo and long runs, I included mileage and pace targets (not including the easy warm up and cool down miles for the tempo runs). The actual pace result is in parentheses:

Scorecard Through Week Twelve

Scorecard Through Week Twelve

Up Next

Here’s what is in store for week thirteen:

Run #1: Track work. 10 x 400m in 1:32. 400m RI between each
Run #2: 1 mile easy warm up, 8 miles @ 7:49/mile, 1 mile easy cool down
Run #3: 20 miles @ 8:04/mile.

Cross Training: Swim – kick 4 lengths, swim 20 minutes, kick 4 lengths

Four weeks to go and this is the last of the brutal weeks before taper starts.  The toughest run of the week will be the final 20 miler of the program.


Stay tuned and POFIFOTO!

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Week 11: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Oct 7, 2013 by

Week 11: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Here is my report for week eleven of sixteen of my Outer Banks 2013 marathon training. I am following the 3:25:00 Boston Qualifier plan outlined in the book Run Less Run Faster.

To review past weeks, click here.

Short version: I think this training is working.  Had another really good week and seem to be getting faster.  I could use a nap, though.  This is wearing me out.

For the long version, keep reading.

Cross Training. Tuesday and Thursday

Successfully completed the two prescribed swim workouts.  Pretty straight forward week.  4 laps kick, 20 minutes free, 4 laps kick.

Grade: Pass

Run workout #1. Monday

The track.  This week’s workout was a new one – 1000m in 3:56; 2000m in 8:11; 1000m in 3:56; 1000m in 3:56. 400m rest intervals between.


  • 1000m: 3:53
  • 2000m: 8:05
  • 1000m: 3:53
  • 1000m:  3:52

Grade: A+. Very solid workout.  Felt like I could do another 1000 or two at the end, but it was dark and I was hungry.  So, I went home. 🙂

Run workout #2. Wednesday

This week’s tempo run called for a warm up mile, five miles at a 7:49 pace, then a mile cool down.  After last week’s ten miler at the same pace, I was pretty confident about this one until Tuesday afternoon.  That’s when it occurred to me that I had a conflict on Wednesday night – a cross country meet.

Thanks to a Wednesday morning appointment, I would have time to do this one early.  This meant in the dark, though, so I’d have to stay in the neighborhood.  All of a sudden, those 7:49 splits got a little tougher because of the neighborhood hills and cul-de-sacs.  Not to mention being half asleep.

So, I set out at 6:06am to get my seven before sunrise.  I guess I woke up OK, here at the results:

  • Mile 1: 9:54
  • Mile 2: 7:52
  • Mile 3: 7:40
  • Mile 4: 7:42
  • Mile 5: 7:38
  • Mile 6: 7:28
  • Mile 7: 9:39

Grade: A+. That’s a 7:40 pace for the five tempo miles. It was also a negative split.  Great way to start the day.

Run Workout #3. Friday

This week’s long run called for twenty miles at an 8:19 pace. This is the fourth of five 20 milers, and I missed the mark on the last two.  I definitely wanted to get back on track this week.

One of the biggest challenges of a twenty mile run, besides the actual running, is  trying to come up an interesting, safe, and fairly flat route.  So, I spent some time on MapMyRun.com the day before trying to come up with something new.  I felt I’d come up with a decent route that had three parts – an easy first third, a tough second third, and a fairly flat to down hill final third.

Turns out, my route planning skills need some work.  Here’s the elevation map from my GPS watch:


You can see the route works its way down hill the first half, then is pretty much uphill the second half.  The bottoming out spot about the 1:21 mark was around mile 10.  At this point, I was on an 8:16 pace, but I could see the long hill climbs in front of me, and I knew a negative split would be tough, if not impossible.  Plus, the surprise early fog was burning off and the temperature was heating up.

With one mile to go, I glanced at the overall pace screen on my watch.  I had slipped to 8:19.  Just push it for one mile, I said to myself.  Pretend it is the last mile of the marathon and you need to beat the 8:19 pace to qualify.  So, I did and came in at 8:12 for that last mile for an overall time of 2:46:48.  This was right on the goal pace of 8:19/mile.

Grade: A. Despite slipping to an 8:22/mile pace on the second half, I met the time for my fastest twenty mile run yet.  I also never really hit the wall in this run, but last last few miles were quite the sufferfest.

Week Eleven Summary

Another really solid week.  I feel like I’m improving.  It was good to meet the twenty mile run pace.  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t wondering how in the world I’m going to hit a 7:49 pace for 26.2 miles when a 8:19 pace for 20 hurt so bad.  That’s why there’s five weeks of training left, I guess.

Here’s a graphic showing hit or miss on the workouts over the past ten weeks. For the tempo and long runs, I included mileage and pace targets (not including the easy warm up and cool down miles for the tempo runs). The actual pace result is in parentheses:


Up Next

Here’s what is in store for week twelve:

Run #1: Track work. 3 x 1600m in 6:31. 400m RI between each
Run #2: 10 minute warm up, 10 miles @ 7:49/mile, 10 minute cool down
Run #3: 15 miles @ 8:04/mile.

Cross Training: Swim – 20 x (Kick 1 length rest 15 seconds); swim 20 lengths non-stop.

Feel pretty good about ability to meet this week’s runs.  If you look at the scorecard, though, I have not met goals for three weeks in a row at any point.  So, I’d like to make that happen this week.  The current weather forecast is in my favor for the long run.


Stay tuned and POFIFOTO!

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Week 10: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Sep 30, 2013 by

Week 10: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Here is my report for week ten of sixteen of my Outer Banks 2013 marathon training. I am following the 3:25:00 Boston Qualifier plan outlined in the book Run Less Run Faster.

To review past weeks, click here.

Short version: Excellent week, accomplishing all three runs.  A cold front blew through last weekend, sweeping summer away (I hope!).  The cooler weather made a big difference in my ability this week.

For the long version, keep reading.

Cross Training. Wednesday and Thursday

Successfully completed the two prescribed swim workouts -4 lengths easy; 3 x (2 lengths easy, 2 lengths fast, 30 seconds RI); 6 x(1 length easy, 1 length fast, 15 seconds RI).  A really short work out.

Grade: Pass

Run workout #1. Monday

Yep, Monday track time  This week’s workout was a new one, 2 sets of 3 x 1200m in 4:47 with 2:00 rest interval.  Had a four minute rest interval between sets for a total of 6 x 1200m.


  • 1200m #1: 4:46
  • 1200m #2: 4:44
  • 1200m: #3 4:47
  • 1200m: #4 4:46
  • 1200m: #5 4:45
  • 1200m: #6 4:43

Grade: A.  Maybe A+.  I took care to ease up on the first couple, hoping I could finish faster on the last ones.  It worked.

Run workout #2. Tuesday

Up until this week, all the tempo runs had been a mile or two easy warm up, followed by two to six hard miles, then an easy mile or two cool down.  This week, seemingly out of left field, the plan called for 10 miles at a 7:49 pace.  Seemed quite a jump.  I can’t remember the last time I did a mid week double digit run, either.  This run worried me for three reasons.  The first was the just mentioned big jump in mileage at a pretty aggressive pace.  The second reason was my schedule.  I had to violate one of the main principles of the program which is not running back to back days.  Unfortunately, with two cross country meets this week, I couldn’t figure out another way.

So, I set out at 6:15pm Tuesday night with the third worry – impending darkness.  Now I run in the dark a lot, but I stay in my neighborhood, where it is safer.  For a 10 mile run, though, I rarely do the neighborhood because that is four laps and too many hills.  For the tempo RLRF workouts, I’ve tried to balance the hills.  So, I headed out of the neighborhood with an hour of daylight left and my reflective gear.  Don’t know if it was the attention to nutrition and hydration during the day, the new gels I was trying or the cool weather, but this was one of my best runs yet.  I did the 10 miles in 1:17:15.

Grade: A+. That’s a 7:42 pace for the ten miles.  It was also a negative split.  I average 7:46 on miles 1-5 and 7:39 on miles 6-10.  I was 7:45 through nine and pushed it on mile 10, coming in at 7:13 for the last mile.  That will lower the average a bit.

Run Workout #3. Friday

This week’s long run called for 15 miles at an 8:09 pace. After last week’s disappointing 20 miler, I wanted to redeem myself and finish up strong for a great week. I set out at sunrise to almost perfect running weather, low 60’s and comfortable humidity.

As usual, besides meeting the time goal, the secondary goal was a negative split.  I had not been too successful with this on the long runs.

Grade: A. I started out a bit fast, and after five miles was on an 8:07 pace.  I slowed it down a bit on the next five and with five miles to go, I felt great and my overall pace had slipped to 8:10.  Time to turn it up a bit. I ran the last five miles at a 7:55 pace, including stepping down 7:57, 7:55, 7:54 on the last three.  This gave me 2:01:38, an 8:05/mile pace for the fifteen miles.  Also met the negative split goal.

Week Ten Summary

This week was a good confidence booster, especially the ten mile tempo run at 7:49.  If you recall, 7:49 is the marathon target pace.  This was the first double digit run at that pace, and I did very well.  Still a long ways to go, but it felt great to pull it off, especially the day after a tough track workout.

Here’s a graphic showing hit or miss on the workouts over the past ten weeks. For the tempo and long runs, I included mileage and pace targets (not including the easy warm up and cool down miles for the tempo runs). The actual pace result is in parentheses:StatusThroughTenWeeks

Up Next

Here’s what is in store for week eleven:

Run #1: Track work. 1000m in 3:56; 2o00m in 8:14; 1000 in 3:56; 1000m in 3:36.  400m RI between each
Run #2: 1 easy mile, 5 miles @ 7:49/mile, 1 easy mile
Run #3: 20 miles @ 8:19/mile.

Cross Training: Swim, of course: Kick 4 lengths; swim 20 minutes; kick 4 lengths

Big concern this week is the twenty mile long run.  I haven’t met goal on the last two twenties, and I’d really like to meet this one.


Stay tuned and POFIFOTO!

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Week 9: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Sep 23, 2013 by

Week 9: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Here is my report for week nine of sixteen of my Outer Banks 2013 marathon training. I am following the 3:25:00 Boston Qualifier plan outlined in the book Run Less Run Faster.

To review past weeks, click here.

Short version: Disappointing week.  Bad news was I came up short on the track workout and the long run.  Good news was it was my fastest twenty miler yet, just a bit short of target.

For the long version, keep reading.

Cross Training. Tuesday and Friday

Successfully completed the two prescribed swim workouts – 10 x (2 laps with 15 seconds rest); 4 kick laps; 10 x (2 laps with 15 seconds rest).  I did the laps at a medium effort, I guess.

Grade: Pass

Run workout #1. Monday

Yep, Monday track time  This week’s workout was 2 x 1600m at 6:31 with 60 seconds rest interval followed by 2 x 800m in 3:08 with 60 seconds rest interval.


  • 1600 #1: 6:19
  • 1600 #2: 6:20
  • 800 #1: 3:15
  • 800 #2: 3:15

Grade: B-. Not happy with this workout at all.  After two really solid weeks to end the first half of the training, I wanted to kick off the second half on a good note.  I had two problems here.  The first, and probably biggest factor, was I did a terrible job of hydrating and fueling during the day.  I sat in a training class at work all day and did not follow my usual eating and drinking routines.  Once I went out too fast on the 1600s (problem number 2), the lack of proper preparation showed, as I hit the wall on the 800s and could not make myself go.  On the positive, this was a good reminder of the importance of proper nutrition, even for a work out.

Run workout #2. Thursday

A Wednesday cross country meet meant I had to push my tempo run to Thursday.  This week’s tempo run was six miles just like last week, but there was one more faster mile.  So, after one mile easy, I needed to do four miles at 7:19, then have an easy cool down sixth mile. With Monday’s preparation problems still fresh in my mind, I made sure I did much better during the day Thursday.  It showed:

  • Mile 1: 9:12
  • Mile 2: 7:13
  • Mile 3: 7:12
  • Mile 4: 7:10
  • Mile 5: 7:03
  • Mile 6: 9:23

Grade: A. That’s a 7:10 pace for the four hard miles.  It was also a negative split and a step down (each mile faster than the previous).  The second half had more downhill, but it was still a very good workout.

Run Workout #3. Saturday

This week’s long run called for 20 miles at an 8:19 pace.  That’s two miles farther than last week but at the same pace.  This was the third of five 20 milers during the training,

Grade: B.  This run was a struggle from early on.  I knew by mile seven that the last thirteen miles would not be fun. About mile fifteen, with the sky sunny and the temperature around 75 degrees,  the wheels started getting pretty wobbly.  Then, with three miles to go, I was still on track, but, unfortunately, it was crash and burn time.  The last three miles were 8:34, 9:21, and 9:00.  I finished in 2:49:06, an 8:26 pace.

Week Nine Summary

Very disappointing week after the last two outstanding weeks.  I was reminded of the importance of nutrition and hydration, even in training.   I also have some work to do on my long run nutrition planning.

Here’s a graphic showing hit or miss on the workouts over the past eight weeks. For the tempo and long runs, I included mileage and pace targets (not including the easy warm up and cool down miles for the tempo runs). The actual pace result is in parentheses:

Scorecard Through Nine Weeks

Scorecard Through Nine Weeks

Up Next

Here’s what is in store for week ten:

Run #1: Track work. 3 x (2 x 1200 in 4:47 w/2 min RI), 4 min RI between sets
Run #2: 10 miles @ 7:49/mile
Run #3: 15 miles @ 8:09/mile.

Cross Training: Swim, of course.  4 lengths easy; 3 x (2 lengths easy, 2 lengths fast, 30 seconds RI);6 x(1 length easy, 1 length fast, 15 seconds RI)

Going to be a another tough week all around.


Stay tuned and POFIFOTO

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Week 8: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Sep 16, 2013 by

Week 8: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Here is my report for week eight of sixteen of my Outer Banks 2013 marathon training. I am following the 3:25:00 Boston Qualifier plan outlined in the book Run Less Run Faster.

To review past weeks, click here.

Short version: Very good week.

For the long version, keep reading.

Cross Training. Tuesday

Successfully completed the two prescribed swim workouts – swim 25 minutes continuously. Did them both on Tuesday.  First was at lunch, then I went back to the gym after work with my son.  Not sure if both in one day is cheating, but that was the best option for me this week.

Grade: Pass

Run workout #1. Monday

You should know by now, if it is Monday, it is track time.  This week was two sets of 6 x 400m at a 1:32 pace with 90 second rest intervals. There was a 2:30 rest interval between sets.  That’s a total of twelve 400’s.   The weather was mid eighties, but the humidity was very comfortable.


  • 400 #1: 1:22
  • 400 #2: 1:25
  • 400 #3: 1:21
  • 400 #4: 1:27
  • 800 #5: 1:23
  • 400 #6: 1:22
  • 400 #7: 1:22
  • 400 #8: 1:27
  • 400 #9: 1:25
  • 400 #10: 1:27
  • 800 #11: 1:27
  • 400 #12: 1:24

Grade: A. After completing these in an average 1:24 vs. a 1:32 target, I was worried I may have overdone it.  I ended up with some soreness in my hamstrings, but since I was able to meet the other two workouts, I guess I was OK.

Run workout #2. Wednesday

No mid-week cross country meet meant I could stay on schedule for my runs.  This week’s tempo run was six miles.  The first two miles were easy warm up, followed by 3 at a target pace of 7:04, then a one mile cool down.  The low humidity was still hanging around:

  • Mile 1: 9:12
  • Mile 2: 8:53
  • Mile 3: 7:01
  • Mile 4: 6:58
  • Mile 5: 6:54
  • Mile 6: 9:23

Grade: A. Ended up with a 6:58 pace for the three hard miles.

Run Workout #3. Friday

This week’s long run called for 18 miles at an 8:19 pace.  The fastest 18 miles target to date (week 5) was 8:34, and I did that one in 8:30.  Started out about 7am, and it was 75 degrees.  The humidity had crept up again (90+%), and I knew I would be at my heat index limits for speed by the run’s end.  I had a good first half, around an 8:15 pace, but as the day heated up, my pace started to slip a bit.  Still managed to make the  time goal and came in at 2:29:43, an 8:18/mile pace.

Grade: A-.  Met the time, yes, but didn’t accomplish a negative split.

Week Eight Summary

Nice to have back to back really good weeks.  I can feel and see real progress in my abilities.  There’s finally definite hints of fall in the air, and I’m looking forward to the great running weather that is just ahead.

Here’s a graphic showing hit or miss on the workouts over the past eight weeks. For the tempo and long runs, I included mileage and pace targets (not including the easy warm up and cool down miles for the tempo runs). The actual pace result is in parentheses:

Scorecard Through 8 Weeks

Scorecard Through 8 Weeks

Up Next

Here’s what is in store for week nine:

Run #1: Track work. 2 x 1600m in 6:31 each with 60 second rest intervals, followed by 2 x 800m in 3:08 with 60 second rest intervals
Run #2: 1 mile easy, 4 miles @ 7:19/mile, 1 mile easy.
Run #3: 20 miles @ 8:19/mile.

Cross Training: Swim, of course.  10 x (2 lengths, rest 15 seconds); 4 lengths kick; 10 x (2 lengths, rest 15 seconds)

Going to be a tough week all around: Running & family/work schedule.


Stay tuned and POFIFOTO!

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Week 7: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Sep 8, 2013 by

Week 7: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Here is my report for week seven of sixteen of my Outer Banks 2013 marathon training. I am following the 3:25:00 Boston Qualifier plan outlined in the book Run Less Run Faster.

To review past weeks, click here.

Short version: One of the best weeks yet.  Especially satisfying after last week’s tough time.

For the long version, keep reading.

Cross Training. Tuesday, Friday, Sunday

Successfully completed the two prescribed swim workouts. This week’s swims were the longest yet, but complicated.  Had to do three sets of free style like this: 1 fast, 1 easy, 2 fast, 2 easy, 3 fast, 3 easy, 2 fast, 2 easy, 1 fast and 1 easy. There was a one minute rest between sets.  Also managed to get in an hour easy bike ride on Sunday.

Grade: Pass

Run workout #1. Monday

Track time.  6 x 800m in 3:08.  Being the Labor Day holiday, I was able to go in the morning to beat the heat instead of after work.  I did a leisurely bike ride the 4+ miles to the high school as a warm up, and used the return trip as my cool down.


  • 800 #1: 3:07
  • 800 #2: 3:03
  • 800 #3: 3:07
  • 800 #4: 3:05
  • 800 #5: 3:08
  • 800 #6: 3:06

Grade: A.  Speed work is tough at 8am, but I did it.  I was just about out of gas on #6 and had to dig deep.

Run workout #2. Thursday

The dreaded run of the week. Wanted to redeem myself from earlier misses on five mile tempo runs. This run called for eight miles total: one easy warm up mile, then six miles at a 7:34 pace, then one mile easy cool down. This target pace for the five middle miles was 15 seconds slower than last week’s five miler target Here are the results:

  • Mile 1: 9:26
  • Mile 2: 7:41
  • Mile 3: 7:24
  • Mile 4: 7:22
  • Mile 5: 7:22
  • Mile 6: 7:46
  • Mile 7: 7:30
  • Mile 8: 9:32

Grade: A. Finally a solid tempo run and one of the best of the seven weeks, averaging  7:30 per mile.  The temperature at 7:00pm when I started was close to 90, but the humidity was no where as oppressive as last week.  Did a new route for this run as my son swam at the gym.  This allowed me to treat myself to a Chick-fil-a chocolate milkshake afterward.  That was good.

Run Workout #3. Saturday

A short long run.  Yea! First 13 miler since week one and a welcome break from the 18’s and 20’s.  Goal pace was ramped up a bit, though, at 8:04.  A crazy schedule for the week pushed the run out to Saturday.  This turned out to be a good thing as  I headed out early to temperatures in the mid 60’s.

A nice solid negative split run.  Broke the 8:00 mark for each of the last four miles, including saving my fastest mile for last at 7:46.  Ended up 1:44:26, an 8:01 pace.

Grade: A.

Week Seven Summary

A  good bounce back from a disappointing previous week.

Here’s a graphic showing hit or miss on the workouts over the past seven weeks.  For the tempo and long runs, I included mileage and pace targets (not including the easy warm up and cool down miles for the tempo runs).  The actual pace result is in parentheses:


Up Next

Here’s what is in store for week seven:

Run #1: Track work. Bunch of 400’s for the first time.  Two sets of 6×400 in 1:32, taking a  90 second rest interval been each 400.  Take a 2:30 break between sets and do it again.
Run #2: 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ 7:04/mile, 1 mile easy.
Run #3: 18 miles @ 8:19/mile.

Cross Training: Swim 25 minutes any stoke and kick board.  Much easier to keep track.

The long run looks to be the toughest for me this week.


Stay tuned and POFIFOTO!

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