Race Report: 2013 Jailbreak 5K

About 7:15am, I pulled into my parking space at Jailbreak last Saturday. I was alone, and the anticipated father vs. son battle was not going to happen. I assume son was scared of the old man running him down. The reality is he’s a teenager, and I don’t understand what he thinks most of the time. He had just decided not to run.
Anyway, since I was by myself, I had the radio on the station I wanted, and as I parked, Freebird came on the radio. Hope that is a good sign, I thought to myself. Since this was only a 5K, my playlist for this run did not include Freebird, so I just listened for a minute.
I stepped out of the car and walked down to some nearby soccer fields to warm up on the paths around the fields. The weather was unusually cool for late May in the midlands of South Carolina – around 50 degrees with low humidity. Perfect for a run, though. If I didn’t run well today, I could not use my weather excuses. Darn.
After warming up, I made sure I was at the starting line early enough to be toward the front, just after the big dogs. The starter finally gave the go, and I pressed the start button on my watch as I took off. Uh-oh. My watch said MEMORY FULL. This means the run will not record. In the past I’ve had watch glitches that let me down, but this glitch was totally my fault. It will only hold 20 workouts, and I had not cleared them out lately.
Now I had a decision to make. “Trust your feelings” came to mind for a split second. Nope. Can’t do that. So, I hastily cleared the workouts from my watch as I ran and restarted the workout, but the damage was done. My time was now at least 3o seconds off. I could tell my instant pace, though.
We passed the first mile marker, and the lady with a stop watch wasn’t yelling out split times. No big deal, I thought. Maybe the mile two person will be. Just past the half way point, I approached the one water station. The low humidity had really dried out my throat, so I grabbed a water. At this point it is a short hill up to the mile two marker. There was a guy with a stop watch, but he wasn’t calling out time, so I asked him. 13:35 he said. I was a bit surprised. I was right on target at roughly a 6:47/mile pace. Unfortunately, the hard part had arrived.
Mile three starts with a down hill, but once we turned left on Church Street, its a decent uphill stretch, and I felt so slow. We turned left on Gibson, and the course flattened out for the final half mile or so. I rounded the final curve, and with probably 100 yards to go, I could finally see the clock. 21:10. At this point, I pushed as hard as I could and think I actually passed a couple of people. As I crossed the finish line, I looked up and saw the clock read 21:30 – a new PR!
I had another problem to deal with now, though – trying not to puke. I kept walking and breathing deep. It was close, but I held it in.
Later, when the official results were posted, I saw that my time had been adjusted to 21:26. This was because of chip time, not gun time. I’ll take it!
Even with a PR, I finished 4th in my age group, just missing the podium by about 25 seconds. For final results click here.