Week 2: BQ Training with Run Less Run Faster

Here is my report for week two of sixteen of my Outer Banks 2013 marathon training. I am following the 3:25:00 Boston Qualifier plan outlined in the book Run Less Run Faster.
To review week one, click here.
Short version: Week two went well, and I hit all the workout numbers & time goals, but the long run was much tougher than I expected. So, after two weeks, I’m still on track. For the long version, keep reading.
Cross Training. Tuesday and Thursday
Successfully completed the two prescribed swim workouts. This week’s swims called for doing 12 sets of 1 length free and 1 length kick. I also added a second workout on Thursday evening, a 1000 meter freestyle swim. On Saturday went for a slow (lower heart rate) 40 mile bike ride.
Grade: Pass
Run workout #1. Monday
At the high school track. This workout called for four 800m runs in 3:08 with a 2 minute rest interval. 800m is two laps around the track. Results:
- 800 #1: 3:00
- 800 #2: 3:05
- 800 #3: 3:10
- 800 #4: 3:06
Grade: A-. Again, another after work day workout. Arrived at the track about 6:30pm. Since I drove the car this time, I was not warmed up. So, I took a bit and completed about a mile and a half walk/easy run warm up. Thunderstorms earlier in the day had knocked the temperature down to about 83, but it was very muggy. Went out too fast on #1, as usual, as I was getting my feel for pace. Eased up too much on #3 at the end, and just missed the 3:08 target. Overall, good solid workout.
Run workout #2. Wednesday
Run #2 called for a seven mile run: one easy mile warm up, then five miles at a 7:49 pace, then one mile easy cool down. Last week I said this was the run I was most worried out. When Wednesday night rolled around, I was pretty tired and not really interested in running hard. I knew I had to suck it up, though, and give it 100%. Told you this plan would be as taxing mentally as physically. I walked about a mile before I started my easy mile 1 run. Here are the results:
- Mile 1: 9:24
- Mile 2: 7:36
- Mile 3: 7:44
- Mile 4: 7:47
- Mile 5: 7:32
- Mile 6: 7:36
- Mile 7: 9:36
Grade: A. As you can see, miles two through six were faster than target. Again, I befitted from afternoon thunderstorms in the area that cooled the temperature to about 82 degrees. I was very happy with this.
Run Workout #3. Friday
The last run for the week called for 15 miles at an 8:34/mile pace. I had more confidence in my ability for this pace and distance after last weeks successful 13 miler. However, some poor planning on my part had me scheduled for a doctor’s appointment at 8:30am. I could have waited until Saturday, but I wanted to go on a group bike ride then. So, it was up at zero dark thirty again to beat the heat.
Walking out the door on Friday morning, I knew I was in for a challenge. It wasn’t terribly hot at 75 degrees, but heavy rain the night before had left a muggy morning. Can humidity be 110%? Technically, no, but it sure felt like it.
Though the workout called for an 8:34/mile pace, I wanted to hit about 8:30. After ten miles, I was right on track, and my son joined me at the entrance to our neighborhood as a I passed. The plan was for him to pace me the last five miles. We made it about three, then my wheels came off. I started having some serious stomach troubles and slowed considerably. Despite my last two mile splits being 8:52 and 9:02, I made the goal and finished in 2:08:27, an 8:32/mile pace.
Grade: A
Week Two Summary
A good solid week, probably thanks to cooler than usual weather this summer. I feel like I’m still on track. The body feels pretty good, and I’m not sensing any early signs of trouble.
I didn’t expect the troubles on the long run, but it was a good learning experience. I was using electrolyte tablets in my water that I’ve used in the past without trouble, so I’m not going to blame them 100% for my stomach problems. However, I will likely go back to plain water and sodium tablets for this week’s long run. I consumed 48 ounces of fluid on that long run and still lost over four pounds.
Up Next
Here’s what is in store for week three:
Run #1: Track work. 1200m in 4:47, 1000m in 3:56, 800m in 3:08, 600m in 2:20, 400m in 1:32 with 200m rest intervals between each distance. Yuck. Too much to keep up with!
Run #2: 1 mile easy, 5 miles @ 7:34/mile, 1 mile easy
Run #3: 17 miles @ 8:34/mile
Cross Training: Swim of 20 x (kick one length, rest 20 sec)
Runs #2 and 3 worry me this week. Not only is the intensity stepping up, I am finding that I am more tired later in the week. My long run is going to have to be on Saturday this week, so I may take Friday off from any cross training. The temperature forecast right now looks OK, too, but it is August in central South Carolina, so we should have plenty of humidity.
Stay tuned and POFIFOTO!